Raw or cooked diet for your pet? Pets fed cooked, processed, packaged food suffer from the diseases of humanity, including cancer, arthritis and other degenerative diseases.
Who feeds raw diets to their pets? Breeders, veterinarians, pet groomers, trainers and pet owners that regard their companions as “valued family members", feed raw food.
Bacteria and cat and dog food A discussion not only of the risks to pets and owners when feeding raw food diets to pets but also a good article about bacteria exposure to humans in general.
History of dog food History of dog food and the manufacturing and sale of pet food.
It's not in the bag Understanding what is and isn't in commercial dog food and what information is manipulated.
Pet emergency techniques Advice about pet emergencies and a list of items you should put in your pet emergency kit.
Pet supplements To supplement or not to supplement is a long-standing question among pet owners. Some people don't supplement their pet's diet as they feel their dog or cat obtains all of their nutrients from the foods they eat.
Putting constipation behind your pet. If your dog or cat is having the occasional case of constipation or diarrhea, here are some tips to help naturally and when to go see a vet.
Carnivores and liver disease Until recently, traditional medical therapy for patients with liver disease included dietary protein restriction, or "low protein" diets. Today, this topic is controversial, in both human and animal patients with liver disease.
Food variety for pets Is it right to assume that one particular formulation should meet the requirements for all dogs and cats when we would never eat this way ourselves?
Essential fatty acid supplementation for pets Like humans, animals require optimal nutrition to maintain good health and prevent disease.
Dog parasites Parasites in the dog include roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, tapeworms, giardia and toxoplasma gondii.
Coprophagia - dogs eat poop Coprophagy is widespread among pet dogs and more disturbing to owners than it is harmful to dogs.
Gone to the dogs A tongue-in-cheek look at kibble for humans. Imagine that someone developed and marketed a "complete and balanced" diet for humans.
Diabetes in cats and dogs The dog carnivore anatomy of both the dog and cat are suited to eating a high protein, meat-based diet this natural diet also protects from developing diabetes.
Thyroid dysfunction in dogs Thyroid dysfunction is the most frequently seen endocrine problem in dogs. Virtually all breeds of dogs are affected.