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Carnivora™ Basics
- What benefits should I expect for my pet from a fresh food diet?
- What different varieties of Carnivora whole animal diets are available?
- If a dog or cat is domestic, what makes them the same as their wild counterpart?
- Is the Carnivora a complete diet or do I need to add other foods or supplements?
- What makes Carnivora different than other raw diets?
- What is a domestic Carnivore?
In general, the first thing pet guardians notice is a new vitality. Lethargic pets become more lively, and occasionally disposition improves too! Other benefits include small stool production, a glowing coat, healthy skin and no body odor. Cat guardians observe a reduction in hairballs, shedding and a decrease in litter box odor. Oral disease is one of the most common preventable canine ailments. Recent studies do not support long-standing claims that pets have less dental disease when fed dry food. Raw food diets dramatically reduce dental diseases and halitosis. A raw diet may decrease or eliminate responses to food related allergies. The Carnivora whole animal diets offer various novel protein sources for pets with food allergies. Obesity in companion pets is a serious medical problem. Carnivores are designed to meet their energy needs with animal protein, moderate fat and minimal carbohydrates. When pets eat whole animal carcass diets, guardians state their pets eat less, and have better weight control and muscle mass. Diabetes is a common disease in dogs and cats. The high-level of carbohydrates in dry food causes the blood sugar level to rise. With chronic high blood sugar, the insulin producing cells in the pancreas eventually "burn out" leading to diabetes. The carnivore's natural diet may help prevent diabetes; sometimes insulin therapy can be discontinued or drastically reduced. Raw food diets may be beneficial for many other diseases. Cancer is the number one cause of death in dogs and is also a concern for cats. The diets that work best for a pet with cancer or as a cancer preventive diet are low in carbohydrates, high in protein and contain naturally healthy fats as provided in a whole animal carcass diet. Hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver disease) is common in cats fed a dry food diet, especially those that are obese. Fatty liver disease is less likely to occur if a cat eats a species-appropriate diet. Cystitis and stones are also common in cats fed dry food. Because whole animal carcass diets are higher in moisture, it decreases the cat's likelihood for urinary tract problems. Many dogs and cats with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) improve dramatically or show complete reversal when fed a low carbohydrate species-appropriate whole animal carcass diet.
We provide a variety of whole animal sources including duck, goat, rabbit, lamb, beef, pork, turkey, chicken and steelhead trout. This gives you the opportunity to rotate protein sources in your pet's diet.
The Carnivora is based on the whole prey animal carcass. In nature there is no such thing as a "complete and balanced" meal. However, the whole animal carcass provides carnivores with all the nutrients they require to maintain health.
Carnivora™ is the only pet food company in the world that purchases naturally raised live stock, slaughters it at regulated abattoirs and then processes and prepares it into our whole animal patties for your pets. Instead of relying on imperfect human formulations or recipes, we duplicate the diet Mother Nature has been feeding carnivores for millions of years.
Bacteria and Parasite Questions
- Do raw foods cause health problems due to bacteria?
- Can my dog get parasites from eating Carnivora pet food?
- What about pathogenic strains of bacteria, particularly salmonella?
- I'm worried about bacteria in raw pet food making me sick. Will my children be at risk?
Human quality, raw foods that are properly manufactured and appropriately handled and processed can be considered safe. If this were not the case, then thousands of pets eating raw foods would not be thriving today! Bacteria are everywhere including dry and canned pet foods. Remember that proper handling is key to raw food safety!
Once processed, Carnivora™ diets are deep frozen for a minimum of seven days to destroy parasites. Dogs are commonly treated for parasites regardless of what diet they eat. If parasites are a concern for you, there are effective and convenient worming medications, both pharmaceutical and holistic, that may prevent or eliminate worms. Discuss an individualized deworming program for your dog with your veterinarian.
My vet said that two thirds of raw foods tested in one study contain pathogenic strains of bacteria particularly salmonella. One third of dogs fed raw foods become chronic salmonella shedders. These pets present a risk to other dogs, their owners and children!
Other studies show that food-borne pathogens are present in a surprisingly large proportion of dogs tested. Hackett and Lappin (2003) found infectious agents in the faeces of 26% of healthy Colorado dogs Fukata et al (2002) found salmonella antibodies in 15% of apparently healthy dogs. (Not limited to dogs eating raw diets.)
If you prepare meat for yourself or your family then you need to follow the same hygienic rules when handling the Carnivora™ food. It is unlikely your children would be at risk, but if you are concerned you can encourage your children to wash their hands after playing with the dog or cat. Picking up your dog's stools immediately after it defecates in public will also help environmental bacterial concerns.
Carnivores - Vegetables 'n' Fruits and Tripe
- Do I have to feed vegetables with Carnivora?
- Can I just chop up some vegetables or give them whole?
- Should I mix the Vegetables 'n' Fruit or Green Tripe with the Carnivora whole animal diets?
- I heard fruit shouldn't be mixed with vegetables or it will ferment and turn toxic in the dog's stomach?
Strict carnivores, cats need only 'animal' foods. In nature, dogs will eat vegetation on a seasonal basis or when preferred foods are scarce. Vegetables 'n' Fruit and Green Tripe are not essential but can be included in the diet of normal, healthy pets and may benefit pets with certain health disorders. Carnivora offers two diets; one that is strictly meat, organs and bones and a "Dinner" which contains 5% vegetable/fruit mixture.
Dogs and cats can't properly grind plant matter as their jaw structure isn't designed in the same fashion as an herbivore such as a cow. Their digestive system can't process the outer cellulose wall of uncrushed plant foods all that efficiently either. In order for plant foods to be nutritionally valuable, vegetables and fruits need to be pulped or cooked prior to feeding them. Over-ripe fruit can be digested without processing. You can feed pieces of whole vegetables as treats, but in most cases they come out looking almost the same as they went in!
Dogs and cats prefer meat foods rather than vegetables and fruit. For this reason you may find mixing Vegetables 'n' Fruit and Green Tripe in with our whole animal patties advantageous. If your dog enjoys the Vegetables 'n' Fruit or Prairie-fed tripe on its own you can also feed it this way.
Fermentation doesn't occur in the stomach. Fruit is nutritious and readily digested in combination with other foods, including vegetables. Fruit is not a hard-and-fast category; many foods we call vegetables, such as tomatoes, are really fruits. Also, remember that dogs are scavengers and have the ability to consume and digest a wide range of foods without a thought to whether it should be properly combined or not!
Preparation, Storage and Handling
- What standards are followed for processing Carnivora?
- How long can I keep Carnivora in the refrigerator once it is thawed?
- What is the quality of the whole animal sources?
- Can I cook Carnivora?
- Can I let Carnivora completely thaw and then refreeze it?
- How is Carnivora packaged?
Live animals are obtained from selected producers for Carnivora™ products. This is the first step towards providing quality food for your dog and cat. Animals are humanely slaughtered at regulated abattoirs, prepared and processed in the same manner as human-grade meat products. Carnivora diets are processed at a human-quality facility that follows human food handling protocols. Every step of processing through to final packaging is carried out in a controlled environment to maintain food integrity and eliminate bacterial contagion. Our whole animal diets are deep frozen for a minimum of 7 days prior to shipping to resellers.
Carnivora™ provides a variety of animal carcasses, poultry and fowl that meet the following criteria: All natural - free from hormones, antibiotics or harmful feed additives. We do not buy from intensive farming operations. We buy certified organically grown whenever possible.
Carnivora™ can be fed Par cooked if necessary; however we highly recommend feeding it fresh. Your dog will gain more benefits from a fresh food diet than from a cooked diet. Try mixing your food thawed in the fridge with hot water to get it to body tempreature. It adds hydration and fullness.
No. Once meat is thawed to room temperature it should be immediately fed and any unused portions refrigerated. Bacteria quickly multiply at temperatures ranging from as low as 5 degrees C to 60 degrees C.
We are the original patty diet in Canada! The Carnivora™ products are presented in 8 oz patties - 8 patties to a package. We also sell the 8 oz patties in 25 lb bulk cartons (50 patties loose with wax paper between patties. Each patty is separated by a wax patty paper. Our plastic packages follow the Canadian Guide for the Labeling of Pet Foods which provides consumers with English and French information, nutritional analysis as well as handling and feeding instructions.
Feeding Carnivora
- Can I feed a different Carnivora whole animal diet each day?
- Which Carnivora whole animal diet should I start feeding first?
- Do I need to add organ meats like Carnivora Beef Offal to Carnivora whole animal diets?
- Can I feed Carnivora patties while frozen?
- How much Carnivora should I feed my pet?
Health Considerations
- Can dogs with kidney stones eat the Carnivora?
- My pet may be allergic to its food. How can I tell and if so, which food?
- My pet has just been diagnosed with cancer. Can I feed him Carnivora?
- My pet has a a health condition. How should I transition him to Carnivora?
- I've heard pets can get pancreatitis from eating raw diets. Should I be concerned?
- My pet has skin problems. Will Carnivora help?
- My pet is diabetic. Can I feed Carnivora?
- What if my pet vomits after eating Carnivora?
- Why does my dog have mucous in his stool?
- Will Carnivora help my pet's allergies?
- My pet is having trouble passing his stools. Now what?
- What if my cat won't eat the Carnivora patties?
- Why is my pet drinking less water since eating a raw diet?
- Is it dangerous to feed my pet the bones in Carnivora patties?
- Can I feed my pet table scraps with Carnivora
- What about treats?
- My dog eats his stool. Will Carnivora whole animal diets help stop this?
- What if my dog won't eat Carnivora whole animal diets?
- How do I feed Carnivora when travelling?
- Some of the Carnivora whole animal diets are high in fat compared to dry pet food. Will my pet get fat?
- Can I mix Carnivora with dry or canned foods?
- Will my dog get aggressive if I feed it a raw meat diet?